Gene Keys are a new codebook of consciousness ~ Richard Rudd, Gene Keys originator

Gene Keys
Individual Guidance & Study Circles

Talk to me

Free 20-30 min. chat

Phone, WhatsApp,
FaceTime, Zoom, Skype

Text Name, Time Zone and Intent for Appointment

Connect +1 515 720 9520
The Gene Keys is a treasure divinely gifted for our times.

The soul comes here with a purpose. Everything we need to fulfill that purpose is genetically embedded in our DNA.

Our personal Gene Keys profile, holds clues to the map to the higher purpose in this life.

Gene Keys is a self awareness program designed to activate our unique genius, clear the path to fulfilling relationships, and lead us to our higher purpose. As we approach our purpose, we open up the quantum field of our prosperity.

This Gene Keys guidance program supports you in unlocking your pathway.

Announcing Gene Keys Study Circle Schedule

The wisdom of the Gene Keys greatly enhances the quality of our life and living. Approaching the Gene Keys in a linear fashion leaves you wanting.
To appreciate the many layers within us, it is best studied in small study circles. The discussions, sharing and the cross pollination of ideas gives a far richer perspective into ourselves.

How to proceed:
    Call me for a complimentary chat to ask questions and find out what books and resources you need.
    Schedule Profile Introduction and Reading sessions. Receive a reading on the highlights your profile and specific guidance to proceed.
    Join the Gene Keys Study Circle to continue. We will meet each month and receive prompts and suggestions in the weeks in between.

Gene Keys Study Circles Series - 2024

Genius / Activation Sequence

Thursdays April 18 to May 09, 10.00-11.30 AM US EDT
Four 90 min. Sessions $280, (includes online Course* $180 value.)

Love / Venus Sequence
Thursdays: May 16 to June 20, 10.00-11.30 AM US EDT
Six 90 min. Sessions $330, (includes online Course* $180 value.)

Prosperity / Pearl Sequence TBA

*You pay $100 and $150 respectively if you already have the online digital course.

Limited Study Circle memberships offered on first come basis.

Hologenetic Personal Profile Reading
(By appointment)

Single session $145
Package of 2 sessions: $ 230

Limited Study Circle memberships offered on first come basis.