Welcome to the Journey of your Soul, an insightful process of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Unlock the mystery of your unique connection to the expanding consciousness of the universe, embedded in your DNA.

Let our life transforming mentoring processs reveal your hidden gifts and Spiritual Intelligence to serve your Soul's Higher Purpose in this lifetime. Clear blocks with focused intention, Spiritual Response and other elegant Energy Healing practices..

Events Calendar Discussions, Classes and Meditations

Programme (click for details) Date
Integrated SRT Basic and Advanced Certificate Course March 31 to April 23
(Mon. Wed. Fri. 3 hr. sessions)
Spirtual Response
Grounding Our Core Stability
January 21
February 18
March 18
April 15

Online - 11-12.30 PM EST
Meditation Club
Free weekly sessions

7.30 AM US EDT
Gene Keys: : Study Circles

Feb – June

Energy Healing Arts

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is an effective and powerful technique that releases deeply held physical and emotional trauma.

Law of Attraction

Teaches the to use of 'attention' and 'intention' to deliberately attract higher vibrations and so enhance the quality of our lives.


Reiki removes blocks and opens up our Energy channels, deeply relaxes the body and centers the mind.