Spiritual Response Therapy

"The superconscious mind is our direct link to the Divine" Robert Detzler

SRT is a powerful guidance system for healing and growth. It connects us to our higher intelligence so we can research the soul records and remove discordant energies over lifetimes. It is one of the most potent tools of transformation and expansion of consciousness.

Learn the power of your connection with your High Self and Spirit. Learn to create a clear channel of communication that changes the landscape of your life. Receive the Spiritual road map gifted to us by Robert Detzler.

The complete SRT curriculum
(See below) is taught at a gentle pace allowing time for deeper understanding, absorption and hands on practice. Students become a member of an ongoing - Practitioners monthly support group.

Integrated SRT Course Content
(Incorporating Basic & Adv. Levels + more)

• Embodying your spiritual connection
• Working with High Self and spiritual committees
• Spiritual Healing Principles, ethics and values
• Soul’s creative process, consciousness & evolution
• Clearingpast lives, discordant energies, blocks and interferences, soul families, ancestors and collective
• Clearing Universal soul programs, Vows, Spiritual and Inner Archetypes, Higher Level blocks, Spirit Level programs
• Healing the body, organs and glands, brain restructuring, homotoxicology, healing circle, Power symbol
• Working with Spirit& the art of deeper investigation
• How to support your clients and start a practice

Bonus topics
• Clearing blocks to relationships
• Clearing groups and organizations
• Clearing space
• Interpreting dreams

Practice of dowsing with a pendulum is an added advantage. We will review basic skills in class.

Registration and Payments
Click for details -

July 8 - 31 classes full and registration closed
September 2 to 25, 2024
Mon. Wed. Fri. 3 hr. sessions 10 AM to 1PM US EDT

Basic & Advanced Integrated :
1. Deposit to book a spot:
2. Balance amount: $730

Re-take SRT Basic & Advanced Integrated :